Anarchist Federation

Celebrations at Bush's arrival in Romania

American president was welcomed by crowds of happy people in Romania. That were pictures we could see in corporative medias. Thousands of happy people cheering their friend Big George. Well, may it' s true.
Well, in 1992 George Bush [the other one], american president, visited Prague. Thousands of people were cheering and waving US flags. Last week american president G. Bush [the present one] visited Prague. After ten years of real capitalism and pro-US and pro-NATO politics of czech elites was US president welcomed only by city of ghosts. No one came to welcome him, Prague was full of police, tanks, US agents and soldiers.
I don' t want for romanian people city full of police and military after ten years, but I wish them to have chance to tell what they think about US policies after ten years.
Print version 26.11.2002 PZ

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