Anarchistická federace

Aktuálně (504)

Celebrations at Bush's arrival in Romania

American president was welcomed by crowds of happy people in Romania. That were pictures we could see in corporative medias. Thousands of happy people cheering their friend Big George. Well, may it' s true. Well, in 1992 George Bush [the other one], american… (více)

Island: solidaritu v boji proti NATO!

Posíláme projev naší vřelé solidarity našim českým soudruhům v boji proti NATO, militarismu a imperialismu. Na Islandu trvá boj proti členství v NATO a americkým vojenským základnám již padesát let. Během ministerské schůzky NATO 13.-15. května 2002 jsme pořádali setkání, koncerty a demonstrace… (více)

Anarchist Defence Alternative

While criticizing militarism we remain realists, and hence, although one of the foundation blocks of the anarchist ideas is removing violence from relations within society, we are forced by external circumstances to consider the defence of anarchist society and consequently the way of organizing… (více)

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