Анархистская федерация

Existence 1/2020


Originally we planned to publish two issues of our anarchist magazine Existence this year. We faced another situation right at the beginning of the spring though: the global Covid-19 pandemic and the restrictions it entailed. Many planned public events had to be canceled then, the activities of many collectives had to be adapted to the new situation and there were also less opportunities to distribute anarchist publications. In the end we are only publishing one issue this year and its main topic is the climate movement.

The climate crisis is very urgent and, in order to avoid the worst possible scenarios, it is imperative to act swiftly and to stop the fossile industry first and foremost. As anarchists, we are striving for this goal with the slogan: don't change the climate, change the system. The anarchist position in the defence of climate remains strictly anti-capitalist, even if anarchists join initiatives and coalitions that mostly try to put pressure on politicians and raise awareness among the public. Our goal is not green capitalism though, but rather a vision of a free and autonomous society, where there is no exploitation of people and nature.

On this topic, we bring several interviews presenting some of the initiatives for the defence of climate. Activists from (We are the Limits) Limity jsme my, Fridays for Future and Univerzity za klima (Universities for Climate) answer our questions and a former activist from the Extinction Rebellion platform writes about his experience. In those contributions we try first and foremost to understand the way in which those groups are organizing, making decisions and acting. To conclude on the topic, we are presenting reviews of books about the struggle for climate: Against Doom by Jeremy Brecher, Down to Earth by Bruno Latour and The Ethics of Climate Change by James Garvey.

As we said, the year 2020 was limited by Covid-19-related restrictions but many actions took place nevertheless, about which we report in the present issue. We also devote space to solidarity and mutual aid actions during the pandemic and the actions of some activist collectives during the first wave. We are also publishing an interview with anarchist foreign fighters on the side of the Rojava autonomy and we write about the roots of Turkish fascism. We do not forget about the situation in Belarus, where people have taken the streets against the autocrat Lukashenka. We also bring sad news in the form of necrologies of recently deceased anarchists: Bob Kavanagh, Lucio Urtubia Jiménez, Doris Ensinger, Stuart Christie, Alexej Sutuga and David Graeber. You will also find portraits of people who have left us long ago: a prominent Czech anarchist from the end of the 19th century, Vilém Körber, or the Marxist philosopher and sympathizer of anarchism Karl Korsch.

We also plunge into far more ancient history: the slave revolt in medieval Rome. The magazine's conclusion is as always devoted to information on the Anarchist federation, texts from wallpaper news A3 (for January to October 2020) and reviews.



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