Anarchist Federation

Tags: Antifascism, AF/IFA

Existence 1/2018

Existence 1/2018

Last year the winter edition of the anarchist revue Existence was delayed by a month due to the preparation of its new graphics. This year we are two months behind because we simply took our time and didn’t rush the process. Because of… (more)

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IFA/IAF - International of Anarchist Federations
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Kniha v Trhlině: Nečekáme nic od reforem

8. 10. 2024, Praha

Beseda nad knihou o projevech českého anarchismu …(more)

2. Anarchistický Bookfair Brno

9. 11. 2024, Brno

Distra, přednášky, workshopy a mnoho dalšího …(more)